Milo Fantails Football
Programme for Girls
Girls only football programme with female coaches
Beginners groups as well as pre-season warm up groups
Gain confidence and make friends
Start date: 3rd February 2025 (8 weeks)
Finish date: Due to weather postponement last session is:
31st March 2025
Time of sessions: Mondays 4.15-5.15pm
Location: AUFC, Keith Hay Park, Mt Roskill
Age groups: 4-6, 7-9, 10-12
Cost: $20 for the remaining for weeks (3-31 March)
Introducing the Fantails Programme
Want to join Fantails?
Fantails registrations is now open!
Principles of Fantails
Make Friends
Fantails is a great place to meet new friends.
Have Fun
Learning about football through fun and engaging activities is at the heart of every Fantails session.
Boost Confidence
Fantails sessions are a safe environment where girls can be themselves, try new things and boost their confidence.
Improve Skills & Movement
The Fantails programme encourages girls to move and play - exploring the 11+ Kids fundamental movements.
Female Role Models
Having strong female role models at Fantails to look up to helps girls reach their potential in sport and life.
Develop Life Skills
Fantails helps young players develop life skills such as respect for others, having a positive attitude and overcoming challenges.