Milo Fantails Football

Programme for Girls

Girls only football programme with female coaches

Beginners groups as well as pre-season warm up groups

Gain confidence and make friends

Start date: 3rd February 2025 (8 weeks)

Finish date: Due to weather postponement last session is:

31st March 2025

Time of sessions: Mondays 4.15-5.15pm

Location: AUFC, Keith Hay Park, Mt Roskill

Age groups: 4-6, 7-9, 10-12

Cost: $20 for the remaining for weeks (3-31 March)

Introducing the Fantails Programme

Want to join Fantails?

Fantails registrations is now open!

Principles of Fantails

  • Make Friends

    Fantails is a great place to meet new friends.

  • Have Fun

    Learning about football through fun and engaging activities is at the heart of every Fantails session.

  • Boost Confidence

    Fantails sessions are a safe environment where girls can be themselves, try new things and boost their confidence.

  • Improve Skills & Movement

    The Fantails programme encourages girls to move and play - exploring the 11+ Kids fundamental movements.

  • Female Role Models

    Having strong female role models at Fantails to look up to helps girls reach their potential in sport and life.

  • Develop Life Skills

    Fantails helps young players develop life skills such as respect for others, having a positive attitude and overcoming challenges.